WPLAY 1.70 WM_COMMANDS ---------------------- //You can send standard WM_COMMAND messages to the WPlay 1.70 //SendMessage(hwnd_broadcast,WM_COMMAND,WPARAM,LPARAM); //Use hwnd_broadcast or send command directly to WPlay window (hwnd_wplay). Description WPARAM LPARAM ---------------------------------------------------------- // Toggles the Equalizer #define WPLAY_EQUALIZER 40036 0 // Toggles the Playlist #define WPLAY_PLAYLIST 40040 0 // Turns the volume up 5/100 #define WPLAY_VOLUMEUP 40058 0 // Turns the volume down 5/100 #define WPLAY_VOLUMEDOWN 40059 0 // Fast forwards 5 seconds #define WPLAY_FFWD10S 40060 0 // Rewinds 5 seconds #define WPLAY_REW10S 40061 0 #define WPLAY_PREVIOUS 40044 0 #define WPLAY_PLAY 40045 0 #define WPLAY_PAUSE 40046 0 #define WPLAY_STOP 40047 0 #define WPLAY_NEXT 40048 0 #define WPLAY_REW10S 40144 0 #define WPLAY_OPEN_FILE 40145 0 #define WPLAY_FFW10S 40148 0 #define WPLAY_START_OF_LIST 40154 0 #define WPLAY_END_OF_LIST 40158 0 // Load file(s) box #define WPLAY_LOADFILE 40029 0 // pops up the preferences #define WPLAY_PREFERENCES 40012 0 // pops up the about box #define WPLAY_ABOUT 40041 0 // Toggles Repeat #define WPLAY_REPEAT 40090 0 // Toggles Shuffle #define WPLAY_SHUFFLE 40091 0 // Toggles CD-Player #define WPLAY_CDMODE 40092 0 // Toggles Mode (Cool Bar) #define WPLAY_MODE 40093 0 // Toggles Time Elapsed/Remaining #define WPLAY_TIMEMODE 40094 0 // Set Song Playing [1,2,3...] #define WPLAY_SONGPLAYING 40095 [1,2,3...] // Set Volume [0..100] #define WPLAY_VOLUME 40096 [0..100]